Like certain psychedelic drugs, sexual arousal alters people's consciousness, changing their perception of the world. -- Murray Davis

What about sex?
a long time ago

old picture old picture There was always swinging, it seems. I don't remember learning about it. I just always knew. I didn't have a name for it then, but my parents were playing with their friends as long as I can remember. As I got old enough to understand more about sex I understood more about what all that adult fun was. Early exploring in places I probably wasn't supposed to find, but places not carefully hidden either, revealed joke books, photo magazines, erotic fiction paperbacks, serious books on sex, relationships, marriage, and a few toys I didn't understand until I got a little older.

We never talked about it. I grew up planning to get married and have a family like everybody else I knew. It was something we didn't question back then.

In 1968 I got married and found myself thinking about things our culture says we shouldn't think about. I was thinking about how monogamous marriage works - that is, the dynamics of it - for the most part, that it doesn't work very well. This wasn't just about sex. It was about relationship, economics, autonomy, and politics.

It would take many pages to explore it all here. I'll just give you the skeleton of it in the next few paragraphs.

So in 1975 or so we started reworking our marriage opening up and allowing ourseves to have other relationaships. We did pretty well with it but by 1978 I could see it was time to try something else, I moved out, we got divorced, I started dating. What I wanted was to be dating, that's all. I was not dating to find "the one" for my life. I was dating to date. Each person I dated was "the one" for that date. I loved it. Whatever I wanted to do, I had a partner. I wasn't trying to find a person with a complete set of interests that matched mine. I had a person for each interest - with lots of overlap. It was wonderful!

The trouble was, only a very few people wanted to play that way. I would meet somebody new and and say, "I'm dating other people and I want to date you too". She would agree but, after a while, she would want to be the only one and I would be hearing, "Why are you still dating her?" and I would be asking, "Why did you stop dating him?" This went on about 10 years. It was good but it had that recurring problem. That's when I thought, "I have to find women who want to do what I want to do - have multiple partners. Maybe I'll find them in the swinging community."
